Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lunch Social status

This morning I was helping my wife pack our kid's lunches. This wasn't so easy because we had no food. In addition to no food we had no tupperware or plastic wrap. SO my wife packs my oldest daughter's sandwich in the bread bag. Upon seeing this I had a flashback so severe it felt like a cold headache of 1906 SF proportions. I asked her if she ever had her sandwich packed in a plastic bread bag. I could have gone one better actually because my mother used to use these bags to line our winter boots. I am not sure what if any purpose our boots had if they needed to be lined with plastic bread bags. How about some rubber boots? My wife told me that no, she doesn't remember that ever happening mostly because she always had money to buy her lunch. Well well. What does this tangential story telling have to do with AF, you ask? Nothing yet.

I guess lunch could always be worse.

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